New Year, Fresh Start

2019 is in full swing and it’s the time of year that we get to designate as a fresh start and new beginnings. It’s a tradition in which we resolve to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve our health and life in general.

About 40% of Americans participate in the New Year’s Resolution tradition.  Of them, 46% are likely to succeed in attaining their goal. That is 10 times more successful than those who decide to make life changes at other times of the year.  The odds are in your favor to succeed in making changes to a healthier lifestyle now instead of waiting.

So, get started and begin by adopting these 8 tips to increase your New Year’s resolution success rate:

  1. Create a wellness VISION for yourself; by writing a compelling statement of who you are and what health promoting, life-giving behaviors you want to do consistently.
  2. Know your MOTIVATION. What is the driving force and benefit behind your desire to change right now?
  3. Identify your STRENGTHS AND VALUES that can be used to reach your vision. How can lessons from your past successes in life carry over to your current situation?
  4. Explore your RESOURCES. What people, resources, systems, and environments can you draw on to help you realize your vision and meet your challenges?
  5. Design a longer-term three-month ACTION PLAN. Research reveals that it takes three or more months to effectively change a habit. Translate actions into SMART (specific, measurable, action-based, realistic, time-bound) behavior goals.
  6. Make your plan PUBLIC by sharing your vision and action plan with people you trust such as a spouse, family members or friends.
  7. Weekly set two to four smaller PROGRESSIVE STEPS (stepping stones) by breaking down the larger three-month goals into incremental attainable SMART goals.
  8. Be ACCOUNTABLE to yourself. Account for what was done, what happened, what worked, what didn’t work, and what would you differently in the future.

You can increase your success rate by engaging a certified health and wellness coach.  Coaches take a holistic approach in developing a personal blueprint for your well-being and helping you become confident in your ability to make behavior changes for good.

Details on each of the 8 tips listed above will be available upon your request by emailing “I want 8 TIPS” to

Get control of your health now.

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