Innovative Launches COVID-19 Employee Monitoring and Advocacy Solution
Innovative Benefit Planning, LLC is here to help your organization bring your employees back to the workplace safely and securely. In order to so, we are proud to launch our COVID-19 Employee Health Tracker, which will provide employers a COVID-19 monitoring and advocacy solution.
By using our Employee Health Tracker, employees will get alerted each morning to begin their screening. This process only takes a matter of minutes to complete, and then compliance reporting will be provided, as well as return to work guidance for the employee. This application focuses on evaluating symptoms and helping individuals identify if it is safe to go to work that day based on their responses. Following implementation, your organization will have an affordable solution that will help remain complaint, reduce HR burden, be HIPAA complaint, protect your team and workplace, and provide employees with a dedicated resource.
Additionally, your monitoring and advocacy solution will include Nurse Advocate outreach, vaccine support, and an optional COVID-19 policy creation service. Our Nurse Advocate, Erica Polaneczky, will provide clinical guidance to employees who have reported symptoms, an exposure to COVID-19, or who have been tested or are awaiting test results. She will check-in with the employee throughout their quarantine period and be available to answer any questions they may have about their symptoms and returning to work. She will also be available by phone, video conference, or email to answer employee questions regarding the vaccine or help navigating the scheduling system.
During these challenging times it is important to remain complaint with current guidelines, and to provide your employees with real-time support. With that being said, confidently monitor COVID-19 in the workplace by requesting a proposal today.