Fully Insured Health Care Plans FAQ Released: Final Regulations Issued on Out-of-Pocket Limits
Impacts all nongrandfathered fully insured plans beginning with the 2014 plan year: The FAQ also talks about the out-of-pocket maximum requirements. Beginning with the 2014 plan year, plans may not […]
Fully Insured Health Care Plans FAQ Released: Final Regulations Issued on Preventive Care
Impacts all non-grandfathered fully insured plans now: The agencies have received many questions about the requirement to provide first-dollar preventive care. They have now issued a FAQ that clarifies that: […]
Self-Funded Health Care Plans FAQ Released: Final Regulations Issued on Preventive Care
Impacts all non-grandfathered, self-funded plans now: The agencies have received many questions about the requirement to provide first-dollar preventive care. They have now issued a FAQ that clarifies that: While […]
FAQ Released: Final Regulations Issued on Whistleblowing for Fully Insured Health Care Plans
Impacts all fully insured plans beginning April 2013 PPACA prohibits employers (including insurers) from retaliating against an employee for reporting possible violations of PPACA to his employer or to the […]
FAQ Released: Final Regulations Issued on Whistleblowing for Self-Funded Health Care Plans
Impacts all self-funded plans beginning April 2013 PPACA prohibits employers (including insurers) from retaliating against an employee for reporting possible violations of PPACA to his employer or to the government, […]
Terriann Scheduled to Speak about Health Care Reform at Tri-State HRMA’s 27th Annual Conference
Since the election in November, Terriann Procida has been educating employers about Health Care Reform, specifically the new Play or Pay regulation. Do you know what you need to do […]
PPACA’s “Affordability” Requirement is Clarified by the IRS
The IRS finalized a rule that clarified that the health coverage “affordability” requirement (that an employee’s premium contribution not exceed 9.5 percent of household income) under the Patient Protection and […]
PPACA Update: Women’s Preventive Services
Proposed rules that would make it simpler for religious organizations and religious-affiliated not-for-profit organizations like hospitals and schools that have a religious objection to providing contraceptive services were released by […]
PPACA Update: Minimum Essential Coverage
On Feb. 1, 2013, HHS and the IRS issued two proposed regulations that provide details on the individual shared responsibility requirement. PPACA requires that non-exempt individuals obtain “minimum essential coverage” […]
PPACA Update: IRS Issues Final Regulation on Tax Credits
On Feb. 1, 2013, the IRS issued a final regulation that provides the long awaited answer of whether family members of an employee who has access to affordable self-only coverage […]