HRA Restrictions Under PPACA
Because PPACA prohibits annual dollar limits on essential health benefits, HRAs that are not integrated with other group health coverage (usually a major medical plan) will not be permitted after […]
PPACA Update: Notice of Exchange Has Been Delayed
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Labor (DOL) have recently issued more FAQs and proposed rules that address several […]
COMPLIANCE ALERT! Final HIPAA Privacy Regulations are Published
The Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published its long-awaited final privacy and security regulations (“Final Rule”) under the Health Insurance Portability […]
What All Employers Need to Know About the “Cadillac Tax”
Starting in 2018, employers offering health plans that exceed a certain cost (the total employee and employer cost) would be subject to a 40% excise tax on the amount above […]
Coordinating Exchange and Plan Open Enrollments
On Jan. 2, 2013, the IRS issued a detailed rule that, among other things, provides that noncalendar-year plans may amend their Section 125 plans to allow employees to make midyear […]
How Will an Employer Know if an Employee Applies for a Premium Subsidy in the Exchange?
On Jan. 14, 2013, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued another lengthy proposed rule under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Among other things, the […]
Terriann Presents to the Philadelphia Chapter of Women Presidents’ Organization!
As an area business owner herself, and an expert on Health Care Reform, Terriann Procida is honored to present “Health Care Reform: An Update on PPACA Since the Election” to […]
PPACA: What Do Employers Need To Do Between Now And January 2014?
The provisions associated with health care reform pose many questions for employers, most importantly, what do I need to do and when? Here is a checklist of items to cross […]
What Should Employers Already Be Doing To Comply With PPACA?
Plans: May not have a lifetime dollar maximum on any “essential health benefit” May not have an annual dollar limit on an “essential health benefit” that is over a […]
Health Care Reform Update: IRS Proposes Regulations on Employer Penalty
The Internal Revenue Service has released proposed regulations on the health care reform employer “shared responsibility” penalty provision. This is the penalty on “large” employers (those with at least 50 […]