There May Be a Simple Solution to Decrease the 2018 Tax Burden Through a Customized Retirement Plan Design
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 have limited the deductibility of State and Local taxes for 2018. As a result, many high earners may be subject to additional […]
Student Loan Considerations for Plan Sponsors-Part Two
As a follow up to our first article on student loan debt, its impact on employers and the recent IRS Private Letter Ruling (PLR) regarding student loan repayments, we’ve attached […]
IRS Allows 401K Match for Student Loan Repayments
The IRS recently issued a Private Letter Ruling (PLR) for an employer interested in offering a student loan repayment benefit through their 401(k) plan. While the ruling only applies to […]
Are Your Retirement Plan Committee Members Aware of Their Fiduciary Obligations?
Do your retirement plan committee members have a thorough understanding of their fiduciary obligations? In a recent court case involving the retirement plans offered at New York University, the court […]
Fiduciary Rule Update
As you may remember, major components of the Department of Labor (DOL) fiduciary rule have been applicable to retirement advice since June 9, 2017. However, on November 2, 2017, the […]
IRS Releases Maximum Contribution, Deferral and Compensation Limits for HSA, FSA, and 401(k) for 2018
The IRS has released the maximum contribution limits for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) for 2018. The IRS also released the maximum deferral and compensation limits […]
Post-Equifax Cyber Breach: Retirement Plan Sponsor Considerations
Plan sponsors have a fiduciary obligation to safeguard and preserve the assets of their employee benefit plans. As the number of cyber hacks continues to increase, plan fiduciaries must take […]
DOL Fiduciary Rule Delay Approved by Office of Management and Budget
As you may be aware, the Department of Labor requested to push back the final implementation date of the fiduciary rule, originally scheduled for January, to July 2019. The 18-month […]
DOL Releases Additional Guidance Regarding the Fiduciary Rule
As part of our commitment to ensuring that our clients are kept up to date on the changes to applicable laws, the Department of Labor (DOL) has released additional guidance […]
The CHOICE Act and its Impact on the Fiduciary Rule & Dodd-Frank
Late last week, the House Financial Services Committee approved the CHOICE Act for consideration by the full House of Representatives. The CHOICE Act is likely the first step towards Congressional […]