Because PPACA prohibits annual dollar limits on essential health benefits, HRAs that are not integrated with other group health coverage (usually a major medical plan) will not be permitted after Jan. 1, 2014.
The January 24, 2013 DOL FAQ states that an employer-provided HRA will not be considered integrated (and therefore will not be allowed) if it:
- Provides coverage through individual policies or individual market coverage; or
- Credits amounts to an individual when the individual is not enrolled in the other, major medical coverage
Existing HRAs that cannot meet the 2014 requirements generally will be allowed to reimburse expenses incurred after 2014, in accordance with the terms of the plan.
To see the complete FAQ please click this link:
Important: Some rules are still in the “proposed” stage, which means that there may be changes when the final rule is issued. Employers should view the proposed rules as an indication of how plans will be regulated beginning in 2014, but need to understand that changes are entirely possible.