Innovative Launches New Resource Page

All good things must come to an end and be replaced with something better! With that being said, Innovative Benefit Planning is thrilled to announce the launch of our new and improved resource page! After months of hard work and devotion to the client experience, we are bringing you a page specifically intended to help you prepare and manage your business. Our new page is designed so that you can get online, quickly retrieve the resource that you need, and get going to put that resource to good use.

As a leader in the employee benefits space, we know our clients value resources that are easily accessible to them and their employees. We strive to provide our partners with the most accurate, up-to-date information and share our expertise. With our user-friendly experience, you can find 40+ downloadable resources such as case studies, white papers, webinar recordings, ebooks, and more to help prepare your organization. Displayed prominently at the top of the Resources page is a “Featured” section where you’ll find timely insights worth checking out.

Find helpful material that will benefit your organization such as our recent webinar on OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate ETS, a cyber security due diligence assessment for plan providers, our Employer COVID-19 Vaccine Kit, and much more. We encourage visitors to explore the new resource page today!

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