Our September Educational Events were a Tremendous Success!

Our Innovative team presented an educational seminar at DelFrisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse in Philadelphia on September 19th, and also at Fleming’s Steakhouse in Marlton on September 25th. The events, which introduced innovative solutions for controlling the costs within your health plan while complying with PPACA, attracted C-level executives as well as Human Resource experts. Our team discussed the importance of knowing your employee demographics when designing your health plan(s), as there are options that may be better suited to certain segments of your population, i.e. Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) plans, Minimum Value Plans (MVP) and also private and government exchanges.  A review of the Employer Mandate was performed, inclusive of the standard measurement and stability periods and all associated reporting requirements.

We would like to thank all of our guests for attending these two fantastic events.  We look forward to seeing you at future seminar luncheons.  We would also like to thank DelFrisco’s and Fleming’s for their exceptional hospitality and food!  Please visit our Innovative Academy tab often to see all of our upcoming events.

If you were unable to attend one of these events but would like some guidance on how you can reduce your bottom line while remaining PPACA compliant, please Contact Us  and we would be happy to assist you!

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