Secure 2.0 Student Loan Matching

The SECURE Act 2.0 allows employers to match employee student loan payments with retirement plan contributions. This benefit aims to help employees burdened with student debt save for retirement. Plan sponsors can implement this benefit to improve recruiting and retention. However, employers must navigate several considerations and challenges to implement the student loan employer match effectively.

Key Considerations for Plan Sponsors

  1. Documentation and Verification: Establish procedures for employees to certify their student loan payments with proof such as receipts or statements.
  2. Plan Design and Amendments: Amend retirement plan documents to include the student loan matching feature, ensuring compliance with ERISA and IRS requirements.
  3. Communication Strategy: Develop a plan to inform employees about the benefit, how to qualify, and its impact on their retirement savings.
  4. Administration and Recordkeeping: Ensure your plan administrator can handle the additional reporting and analysis required with this benefit.
  5. Cost Analysis: Understand the financial implications, including increased administrative costs and impact on plan funding.
  1. Complex Administration: Verify the responsibilities of each provider involved in administering the benefit.
  2. Integration with Existing Benefits: Coordinate the new benefit with existing retirement and financial wellness programs to avoid confusion.
  3. Monitoring and Adjustments: Continuously monitor the benefit’s effectiveness and make necessary adjustments to eligibility criteria, communication strategies, or administrative processes.


The student loan matching benefit under the SECURE Act 2.0 provides a valuable opportunity for employers to support employees’ financial well-being while being competitive from a recruiting and retention perspective. By carefully considering and addressing the administrative, regulatory, and financial challenges, plan sponsors can successfully implement this benefit and help employees manage their student debt while securing their retirement. To learn more about how you can implement a student loan employer contribution in your retirement plan, contact the team at Innovative Investment Fiduciaries by calling 856-242-3343 or email

Download Your Secure 2.0 Act Readiness Checklist

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