All That Sneezing Getting You Down?

The weather turns cooler, the leaves turn colors and pumpkins are everywhere.  It’s the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors, unless you suffer from allergies. Are your eyes itchy and watery?  Do you have a runny nose?  Are you coughing?  Does your nose itch?  Do you have dark circles under your eyes?  If you notice these symptoms occurring each year at the end of the summer, chances are you could have fall allergies.

The most common allergen at this time of year is the pollen from ragweed which is prevalent from late summer to mid-fall, or until the first frost.  There are several other weeds that can cause allergic reactions as well:  goldenrod, curly dock, lamb’s quarters, pigweed, sheep sorrel and sagebrush.  Outdoor molds are also guilty of causing fall allergy symptoms.  These molds can be found in the leaves that cover the ground after they have fallen from the trees, as well as in compost piles and soil.

So what can you do to protect yourself?

Since these allergens are airborne, you should be careful on windy days and early in the morning when most pollen is usually released.  Some other suggestions that could help you avoid allergy symptoms are:

•    Wearing a face mask outside, especially between 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
•    Close the windows and turn on your air conditioner.
•    Don’t hang dry your clothes outside, put them in the dryer.
•    Clear your yard of fallen leaves.
•    Keep your gutters clear of leaves.
•    Shower often.

There are also medical options to consider when you are talking to your doctor about your allergy symptoms.  Everything from nasal sprays, eye drops, antihistamines and decongestants to allergy shots are available, depending on your specific situation.

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