Coordinating Exchange and Plan Open Enrollments

On Jan. 2, 2013, the IRS issued a detailed rule that, among other things, provides that noncalendar-year plans may amend their Section 125 plans to allow employees to make midyear changes because of PPACA.  Open enrollment for the exchanges will begin in October 2013 for a Jan. 1, 2014, effective date, and the individual coverage mandate also begins Jan. 1, 2014.  The proposed rules provide that employers with noncalendar-year plans may amend their Section 125 plans to allow participants to drop coverage as of Jan. 1, 2014, to enroll in an exchange plan.  Employers also may amend their plans to allow employees who had declined coverage to enroll and pay premiums on a pre-tax basis as of Jan.1, 2014, so that the employee can meet the coverage requirement.  (Employers considering allowing a special enrollment for those who had declined coverage should obtain the consent of their carrier or reinsurer before implementing this option.)   The proposed rule is here:

Important: The HHS rules are still in the “proposed” stage, which means that there may be changes when the final rule is issued.  Employers should view the proposed rules as an indication of how plans will be regulated beginning in 2014, but need to understand that changes are entirely possible.



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