Innovative Heads to Capitol Hill

Earlier this week Dan Foley, Ryan Kastner & Yesenia Perez from the Innovative team headed to Washington D.C. for the NAHU 2018 Capitol Conference.  During their time in Washington, the trio attended a number of informative sessions that detailed changing legislation that directly impacts the health insurance market and engaged in discussions with lawmakers; lobbying with Congressman Tom MacArthur, Senator Bob Mendez and Senator Cory Booker to affect positive change in legislation to benefit employers. Dan Foley & Ryan Kastner were honored to be selected by NAHU to sit on the “Healthcare 2020 Think Tank” panel during which they discussed UBA health plan benchmarking data and how that data has been used to successfully gain meaningful clients and institute data-driven strategies with our clients and in NAHU’s legislative successes. The power of this data recently played a large role in the HIT tax moratorium for 2019 and the delay of the Cadillac tax for two more years.

Dan & Ryan are excited to share what they learned during our upcoming “Update from the Hill” seminars. We hope you’ll join us for one of these sessions where attendees will get an insider’s look into what is going on is Washington and learn how they can prepare their organization for upcoming legislative changes. You can read more about the seminars and register here.

If you missed our live tweets from #NAHUCapCon2018 check them out below:

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